Sunday 13 January 2013

Expected end of studies rant


***Before I start my complaint, here are some quick snapshots of my pet cat climbing the tree in my front yard.***

So, the New Year has brought quite a few changes with it already, leaving me to re-evaluate my academic future earlier than I had suspected. These changes are both welcome and worrisome, but I think they are needed for the time being and that I just have to figure out what to do with them and how to take the most advantage out of them. I recently (somewhat) quit my fairly longtime job, no longer working regularly in order to try and concentrate on my schooling, only to realise this could be my last semester, and that I could graduate this Spring if I wanted to. The thing is, I know I want to pursue my university education further, but I am unsure in which manner. I'm definitely not ready to go out and work right away (not sure I could do that with an undergrad in English Lit. anyway), and I'm at the point where I have to review my options. I could graduate this Spring, and go on to do a one year certificate in Translation, or I could take a few extra classes to either graduate in the English Honours program (and then attempt to go on and do a master's degree, and then...) or with a second major in History (to go on and do... I don't know).

I'm pretty sure everyone has to go through such a stage of indecision concerning their studies at one point or another, and I just feel like I have both too little and too many options opening themselves to me at once. I first entered my program with the intention of doing my best, as it was my first time going to school in English, but I have surpassed my personal expectations and the safety net of translation has gone from being my only career option to an option amongst many.

I've been wanting to write posts about lighter subjects for over a week, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I'm sharing this here, rather than confronting the matter only privately, because I feel I can benefit from as many pieces of advice I can find, so please do share whatever wisdom you may have concerning the matter and/or your personal experience concerning such life choices - it would be truly appreciated.

Also, if you have made it this far: Happy New Year! I'll be coming back very soon with a more interesting post, don't worry.


  1. Life decisions are so hard! When I first left home I went and did a 2 year diploma in photography. This was awesome but even after the first year I knew this wasn't going to lead to a career, the things I loved photography just didn't coincide with money. Thus we travelled, and then I decided to do a degree, mainly with the idea that at least with a degree doors are open. I had planned to do a teaching dimploma next (we become teachers in a couple different ways) but teaching isn't looking to crash hot in New Zealand at the moment. So we're leaving to teach overseas. And I think I may just pursue my librarian career? To be honest I also don't know what to do. Thinking about it scares me because I know my dream is actually to own a small piece of land; not work sull time; and live rather than work. But even thats hard to do.

    1. Oh, I know what you mean! I have friends who tried, and others who are currently trying to live off the land, and it's pretty difficult to do. It's unfortunate that teachers aren't really in demand in NZ! If you're ever thinking of trying to teach in another country after Korea, you could probably be succesfull in Canada. I agree, I think getting a degree is a good move, and at the moment I'm leaning towards getting a certificate in translation, and to see afterwards. I wish you the best of luck in your future plans, even though it's all pretty scary.

  2. whatever you do get a masters...


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