Monday 3 January 2011

Winter is far from being over dear!











I don't care about what R29 told me this morning, about those Spring colours, as it's not because we're a few days into the new year that it isn't Winter anymore. No, in fact, we have not reached the middle of it yet, so I believe a few inspirational photos are in order to go through what's to come. I do not mind winter, but I do get the blues when shorts and sandals and sand are presented to me when there are so many cold days to come during which I can sip tea wrapped in my 'horse blanket' while reading. I want to take things as they come, because what's the point of constantly living in the future? Also, I have found that mixing the more bohemian pieces I usually reserve for summer with thick wool sweaters very much helps (so far) to beat the cold and the dreariness. That, and wool underwear and vitamin D hehe!


Je n'ai aucun intérêt dans ce que R29 m'a dit ce matin, à propos des ces couleurs printanières, comme ce n'est pas parce que nous sommes quelques jours après le premier de l'an que ce n'est plus l'hiver. Non, en fait, nous n'avons pas encore atteint son milieu, donc je crois que quelques photos inspirantes sont en ordre pour passer au travers de ce qui s'en vient. L'hiver ne me dérange pas, mais je déprime un peu quand on me montre des shorts et des sandales et du sable alors qu'il y a tant de jours froids à venir durant lesquels je peux siroter mon thé enveloppée dans ma 'couverture de cheval' tout en lisant. J'ai envie de prendre les choses comme elles viennent, quel est le but de vivre constamment dans le futur? Aussi, je trouve que mélanger les pièces plus bohémiennes que je réserve habituellement à l'été avec des chandails en laine épaisse aide beaucoup (jusqu'ici) à combattre le froid et la monotonie. Ça, et des sous-vêtements en laine et de la vitamine D héhé!

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?, 6, 7?, 8?, 9, 10.


  1. The first and second photos are uncannily similar outfits! Amazing!

  2. Claire: I was wondering if someone would notice, good eye!

  3. your blog is beautiful! I love these photos esp the last one!

  4. fabulous set!!! you really set a mood and a tone...;))
    nice curating!

  5. The fourth photo with all the mountains is lovely, i'm going to try and enjoy winter as much as i can now as it really is a pretty time of year :) xxxxxx

  6. If Jane: Thank you, I have been looking at those pictures a lot lately, so I figured I would post them all together!
    Caroline: Yes, it's cold but oh so beautiful!


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